Monday, February 26, 2007

Interviewing Tips

In today's candidate driven market, there are more positions open and available than there are qualified candidates to fill them. As such, we as recruiters are finding that more candidates are actively interviewing on a regular basis. In an effort to keep you ahead of the game, and other candidates, I have provided some interviewing tips below. As always, I welcome your feedback -

  • Always research the company and get as much information as possible about the position prior to your interview. Having company information shows the interviewer you are serious about the opportunity and the company.
  • Arrive at least 5 minutes early for your interview - but no more than 15 minutes.
  • Always have at least three copies of your resume. Do not assume the interviewer already has a copy.
  • Be on your toes at all times and with every person you meet: secretary, company employees you pass in the hallways, etc. While these individuals may not directly be involved with your interview, their impressions and feedback can influence your candidacy.
  • A candidate who tells an interviewer they do not have any questions is making a HUGE mistake. Always have a couple of well thought-out questions prepared to ask an interviewer. Asking serious, probing questions demonstrates you interest in the opportunity.
  • Never bring up salary. Let the interviewer do it first. Good salespeople sell their products thoroughly before talking price. So should you. Make the interviewer want you first and your bargaining position will be much stronger. Stress opportunity and growth, not salary, early in the interview process.
  • Finally, Ask For The Job!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Current Searches

Good Morning -

In an effort to keep you informed about career opportunities within the Motorsport/Power Sport and Outdoor Power Equipment industries, I am going to provide a list of current engagements on a regular basis. This will allow you to monitor current needs within the industry, but also allow you and your network to evaluate potential positions that are not on the job boards. (As an aside, please let others know about this blog. The more industry specialists we can involve in ongoing conversations, the more information we can share.)

Current Positions:

  • District Sales Manager - Northern California
  • District Sales Manager - Multiple Locations
  • Dealer Development & Marketing Manager - Multiple Locations
  • Lead Engineer/Project Engineer - South Carolina
  • Sustaining Engineering Manager - Vermont
  • Operations Manager - Virginia
  • Division Recruiter - Mid Atlantic Region
For additional information, please give me a call at 803-548-8140 x 30 or shoot me an email at

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Inaugural Post

As an executive recruiter, I am constantly brainstorming on innovative and creative techniques to network and meet new people. As such, I thought that creating a blog would be a great way to reach out to all of you in cyberspace, but also give you an opportunity to network with industry professionals.

Our office, Management Recruiters of Lancaster County, is an executive search firm. Each of us specializes in a specific niche industry and will be highlighted individually in subsequent posts. Today, I will begin with my background so you all know a little about me. I am an executive recruiter in the Motorsports/Power Equipment industry. I began my career in the Lawn and Garden/Power Equipment industry, but have slowly transitioned my desk to include my passion, motorsports. Most recently, I have placed four District Sales Managers for a rapidly growing motorsports company. I enjoy motorsports, fishing, reading, and Carolina Panthers football.

That is a little information about me, but I would like to hear from you as well. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the blog - and more importantly, what would you like to see discussed. I look forward to hearing from you all soon.